9 Simple Newborn Care Tips Every Mom Should Know
Whether you’ve just brought your little one home or are anxiously awaiting the big day, congratulations! This is an exciting time with a lot to learn. Soak it up and relax into your role. You’ve got this Mama! These 9 simple newborn care tips will help you get off on a healthy, happy start. In this post, guest blogger Neha Divan shares from experience her tips to help you take care of your new baby.
This is a guest post by Neha Divan.

The experience of being a new mom is rewarding, exciting, joyous, and tiring at the same time.
The excitement of holding your baby and playing with them is the ultimate highlight of your day, but at the same time, taking care of a newborn is not easy. Your entire schedule gets disturbed.
Early morning wake-up cries to tiring midnight naps, you need to somehow get used to it until your baby grows up. It would be best if you prepared yourself for a disturbed sleep routine and many bathroom mishaps.
While these are a few things you are warned about, here’s a list of 9 newborn care tips every new mom should know.
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1. A Checklist for Everything
Making a checklist is the best way to stay organized with a baby. From what you will need to their schedules – make a checklist for everything as you don’t want to miss anything.
You also want to make checklists to ensure that you take care of yourself as well – what you are eating to how you sleep – it all matters, and checklists will keep things simple for you.
2. Know the Basics of Breastfeeding
The first few months are the most critical months for your baby’s health. This is when their immune system grows. Make sure you keep breastfeeding them during this. Breast milk is highly nutritious as it helps to boost their immunity. If breastfeeding doesn’t work for you or your baby, you’re not alone! Discuss with your pediatrician about the best formula for your child.
It is recommended to feed your newborn baby at least 8 to 12 times a day at regular intervals.
3. Choosing Good Baby Products
A baby’s skin is extremely sensitive and prone to rashes. Choose baby body care products wisely. Try to avoid baby products that are heavily scented as they may irritate your baby’s skin.
Try to use good for baby skin, high-quality products that are eco-friendly and made with natural materials. Diapers are said to cause the most rashes on a baby’s skin. Cloth diapers can help prevent this.
4. Hold the Baby with Care
Newborn care is a risky business. Holding a newborn might be intimidating at first since they are delicate.
Hold their head when you hold them in your arms since that is the heaviest part of their body. Place it in the cove of your elbow and use your other arm to rest it under their bottom.
While you switch arms, ensure that there’s always a hand under their head for support. Take your doctor’s advice as and when required.
5. Calming a Crying Baby
Crying is the only mode of communication for newborn babies. There is no other way they could express themselves since they have zero knowledge of how things work. Whether they are hungry or uncomfortable, they could express it only through crying.
Observing the pattern of their cries and the timeline of when they cry will solve many issues.
6. The Basics of Baby Cleaning
Since babies are fed 8 to 12 times a day, they are more likely to poop a lot. Keep good hygiene around their washroom needs to minimize urinal infections.
Make sure your baby is not wearing a soiled diaper for long hours. Soiled diapers make the baby uncomfortable, and they are exposed to different infections.
7. You Need to Eat Well
Being a new mom can be exhausting since it is a 24-hour duty with no breaks in between. It would be best if you got your energy levels high for that reason.
Eating well will ensure great energy all day long.
8. Keep Yourself Clean for Your Baby
It might get hectic to take care of yourself while having a toddler to care for. But you need to do it for your baby’s sake.
Take regular baths and wash your hands before touching your newborn. As adults, we carry around a lot of germs and bacteria with us. So always wash your hands with soap and water to reduce the risk of spreading infections to your baby.
Related: The Top 3 Self-Care Myths (And How to Prioritize Self-Care as a Busy Mom)
9. Seek Help
Being a first-time mom is challenging since you lack the experience of handling babies. Do not worry. Seek help from your elders like your grandmother or the professionals like the doctors.
You won’t be familiar with many things for baby care, and that’s why seeking help is essential.
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Remember, planning is the key to everything.
Being a new mom is way more challenging and demanding than it sounds. Endless amounts of sleepless nights and tiring days, all because you need to take care of your little bundle of joy. Hopefully these newborn care tips are helpful!
Remember, no matter how tough it gets, in the end, it is worth it all!
Do you have any questions about newborn care tips? What else would you add? Share in the comments!
Guest blogger Neha Divan is a toddler-mom who works as part of the content team at SuperBottoms, a baby product brand that develops innovative and sustainable products, like the No.1 best-selling reusable cloth diapers in India. She is passionate about empowering parents with her content that can help make parenting a little easier and a lot more fun. She often writes from first-hand experience on topics related to newborn baby care and has a knack for presenting her ideas clearly which lets her readers connect with her content. Arts & crafts are her things, and she also loves coming up with fun and healthy recipes for kids.
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