How to Make Mom Friends and Quick Tips in Friday’s Fast Five 23rd Edition
Building a stronger, happier family is at the top of most parents’ list. However, we are busy! These weekly Fast Five ideas and tips are a quick way to brainstorm, check-in, and create the family relationships you really want. This week’s Fast Five includes a tip about how to make mom friends, a family movie night lesson, a service idea, and more. Happy Friday!
* These ideas are NOT meant to be a checklist or guilt trip of things we “should do.” Rather, they are intended to inspire you to find what works for YOUR family to learn, laugh, and love together. Remember to stick to the Simple Side of Parenting.
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What is Friday’s Fast Five?
Each Friday, we share five quick and simple ideas for families under the following categories:
- Something fun
- A Little Lesson
- A Service Idea
- Something Random
- A Quick Tip
As I try to simplify my own parenting journey and help others do the same, these help us think about what I feel is a simple version of good parenting…learn, laugh, love.

Subscribers also receive exclusive tips and downloads to simplify parenting life.
With that, here is the twenty-third edition of Friday’s Fast Five. (You can find other editions HERE.)
1. Something Fun: Video Games
It’s not a new activity, but sometimes the kids get all the fun of it.

My kids love it when we as parents play their video games with them. I’m pretty sure too that the reason they love it is only 90% because they always beat me. 😉
2. A Little Lesson: Friendship
Having a family movie night with a related discussion is a little lesson everyone can get on board with.

As a family watch Wonder or The Hunchback of Notre Dame
. Have a discussion afterward about how we can each be a true friend to people who may look different than us.
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Wondering how to fit Little Lessons into your busy family schedule?
The two main ways to fit important lessons into your busy family schedule are to find spontaneous teaching moments throughout the day and to schedule family learning time each week. These two posts go into detail about these two ways and tips for making it happen with your family.
How Busy Parents Can Teach Important Life Lessons
6 Tips for Family Time that Teaches Life’s Most Important Lessons
3. A Service Idea: List It Out
Kind words are always appreciated.

Encourage everyone to write a list of things they appreciate about one friend or family member. Give that list to the person.
For a school assignment recently, one of my kids did this. As he read the list to me it was a really wonderful bonding experience for both of us.
Service is a great way to build a stronger, happier family. If you want more service ideas, request Raising Compassionate Children in a Conceited World, which includes 101 Service Ideas for Families.
4. Something Random: Toddlers
I can so relate to this…

Credit to Tiffany Yoder @simplelittlechange for making that connection!
5. A Quick Tip: How to Make Mom Friends
With all the time constraints of adulting, it can be tough to make friends. However, those relationships can still be a really uplifting part of life.
So here’s a quick tip about how to make mom friends…

Sometimes we assume that we won’t connect well with others because they have a different style, political leaning, or stage of life than us. And it’s true that sometimes people might let us down or keep us out of their circle. But so often our great relationships are with people we might not have expected.
A while back I got to have a fun conversation with Jennifer Reed on the Mom to Wife Plus Life podcast. We talked about conquering overwhelm, finding peace, learning from our past, and yes, how to make mom friends.
Listen in HERE to this conversation that felt like talking with a good friend, and then put yourself out there and deepen relationships with any who cross your path.
Related: How (and Why) to Build a Strong Parenting Tribe
And that is Friday’s Fast Five!
You can also see Friday’s Fast Five on Instagram or other editions HERE.
Building a Stronger, Happier Family
It takes time and intention to build a stronger, happier family. I hope Friday’s Fast Five helps you find the ways that work for YOUR family to learn, laugh, and love together.
We will never regret the time we devote to our families and relationships with our kids.
Have a great weekend with your family, know that you’re loved, and keep on lovin’!
Do you have a great idea for a future Friday’s Fast Five? Have a question or parenting struggle you want help with? Share in the comments, shoot me an Email, or schedule a call.
This post is shared at some of these Link Parties I Love!
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