How to Make Simple Cartoon Animation for Kids & Quick Tips for Families: Friday’s Fast Five 37th Edition
Building a stronger, happier family is at the top of most parents’ list. However, we are busy! These weekly Fast Five ideas and tips are a quick way to brainstorm, check-in, and create the family relationships you really want. This week’s Fast Five includes a fun simple cartoon animation, a lesson about reaching goals, a service idea, and more.
* These ideas are NOT meant to be a checklist or guilt trip of things we “should do.” Rather, they are intended to inspire you to find what works for YOUR family to learn, laugh, and love together. Remember to stick to the Simple Side of Parenting.
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What is Friday’s Fast Five?
Many Fridays, we share five quick and simple ideas for families under the following categories:
- Something fun
- A Little Lesson
- A Service Idea
- Something Random
- A Quick Tip
As I try to simplify my own parenting journey and help others do the same, these help us think about what I feel is a simple version of good parenting…learn, laugh, love.

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With that, here is the thirty-seventh edition of Friday’s Fast Five. (You can find other editions HERE.)
1. Something Fun: How to Make a Simple Cartoon Animation
You can create simple cartoon animations using sticky notes and a pencil. Give each person a stack of ten or more sticky notes. On each page, draw a stick figure that has moved slightly from the page before. When you flip through the notes, it looks animated.
Start with a simple cartoon animation of the stick figure walking across the bottom of the page. Then get creative and try making the figure jump, throw a ball, or anything you want.

2. A Little Lesson: Reaching Goals
Go for a hike and share this real-life application (or just share the lesson😉). Talk about how when you climb a tall mountain, you have to go slowly or go up and down to let your body adjust to the altitude. Working towards a goal is the same: sometimes slow, sometimes up and down. We’ll mess up, and that’s okay! Just keep climbing.

Wondering how to fit Little Lessons into your life? Check out How Busy Parents Can Teach Important Life Lessons.
3. A Service Idea: Foster Care Awareness
May is Foster Care Awareness month. Do something to raise awareness or support kids in foster care. There are images at the bottom of this webpage: Together We Rise, you can download and share on social media to spread awareness, as well as other opportunities to volunteer or donate. You can also contact your local foster care agency to see if there are opportunities to help out or reach out to a foster care family.

4. Something Random: Motherhood HR

Looking for some Mother’s Day activities? Try these 5 Unique Things to Do on Mother’s Day in Friday’s Fast Five 33rd Edition. Or if you need a little break, check out Top 3 Self-Care Myths Debunked [How to Prioritize Self-Care for Busy Moms].
Download the Simple Systems Starter Guide to start making a little more time in your day.
5. A Quick Tip: Kindness

I love this sentiment and hope we’re modeling and raising a generation who lives it.
Nate Webb is on a mission to spread kindness. Listen in on this fun conversation we had on his podcast, Teaching Kindness: Bullies Be Gone. It’s rapid fire through topics like finding peace in the craziness, parenting without fear, raising teens, teens and phones, and more.
And that is Friday’s Fast Five!
Which of these Fast Five ideas sound fun for your family today? Have you ever learning how to make a simple cartoon animation for kids like this? Share in the comments!
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