How to Play Musical Dares: A Unique, Super Fun Christmas Game for Families in Friday’s Fast Five 35th Edition
Building a stronger, happier family is at the top of most parents’ list. However, we are busy! These weekly Fast Five ideas and tips are a quick way to brainstorm, check-in, and create the family relationships you really want. This week’s Fast Five include how to play Musical Dares (which is a fun Christmas game for families), a lesson about giving, a service idea, and more. While these ideas apply and can be used year-round, they’re especially fun and applicable during the Christmas holiday season.
* These ideas are NOT meant to be a checklist or guilt trip of things we “should do.” Rather, they are intended to inspire you to find what works for YOUR family to learn, laugh, and love together. Remember to stick to the Simple Side of Parenting.
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What is Friday’s Fast Five?
Each Friday, we share five quick and simple ideas for families under the following categories:
- Something fun
- A Little Lesson
- A Service Idea
- Something Random
- A Quick Tip
As I try to simplify my own parenting journey and help others do the same, these help us think about what I feel is a simple version of good parenting…learn, laugh, love.

Subscribers also receive exclusive tips and downloads to simplify parenting life.
With that, here is the thirty-fifth edition of Friday’s Fast Five. (You can find other editions HERE.)
1. Something Fun: Musical Dares – A Fun Christmas Game for Families
Yelling “I believe!” in the front yard. Singing Christmas carol solos. Acting like an elf. These are only a few of the crazy fun moments you might experience while playing Musical Dares. Musical Dares is a super fun Christmas game for families or parties that we made up. It’s a classic game with a holiday twist!
Musical Dares can be adapted for all ages, making it a perfect activity for a Christmas party, work holiday party, or family get-together. It’s really simple for young kids to play, and teens and adults will get into this fun game. If you’re looking for a unique Christmas game, this is it. So, here’s how to play Musical Dares.
How to Play Musical Dares
Set-up the room like you would for musical chairs. One person will be in charge of starting and stopping the music. Put chairs evenly spaced in a circle with one less chair than people playing.
Turn on Christmas Music, and everyone walks around the circle. The person in charge of the music should face away from the group, so he or she can’t see who’s by a chair or not. That person will stop the music at a random time. When the music stops, everyone rushes to sit in a chair.
Here’s the super fun Christmas twist.
The person left without the chair isn’t out of the game. Instead, they draw and complete a Christmas-themed dare. This person is then the next one in charge of starting and stopping the music. Play until you run out of dares or time. Musical Dares will be a new favorite family Christmas game!
Christmas-Themed Dares for Musical Dares:
Here are some examples of fun Christmas-themed dares.
- For the rest of the game, whenever someone says, “Christmas,” you say, “Yippee!”
- Go outside and yell, “I believe!”
- Smell the stockings (socks) of the person on your right and left. Which one smells better?

You can make up your own dares or find 32 Christmas-themed dares to play this game in the Holiday Rescue Pack. Plus, it includes 9 other creative family Christmas games and more!

2. A Little Lesson: Gift-Giving
This is a great time of year to talk as a family about how to give good gifts because gift-giving is a skill that can be learned! Discuss how we can think about what the other person wants. For young kids, play a little “Would They Rather” type game. Would Grandma rather get a Barbie or a nice card? For older kids, ask what they think makes something a good gift. Which ones do they remember and why?

3. A Service Idea: Soldier Outreach
This is a great time of year to send love to soldiers serving away from their families. Ask around for anyone who knows a soldier overseas and send a package to their group or connect through an organization such as Operation Gratitude, which allows you to send cards or other handmade items.

4. Something Random: Genius Christmas Choice
This family has mastered the art of simplification during the holidays…

And speaking of simplifying…
5. A Quick Tip: Choose Simplicity

There are so many things we could do during this time of year. Consider writing a “stop doing” list to keep life simpler. Check-in that you’re doing things because they’re best for your family or you really want to, not just because it’s tradition. Simplicity helps us avoid stress and experience more joy.
If you’re looking for a bit simpler, much less stressful holiday season, check out the Channeling Low Stress Holidays Challenge.
And that is Friday’s Fast Five!
Here are a Few Links that are Helpful this Time of Year:
- Gift Ideas for Kids to Love All Year
- Meaningful Gifts for Grandparents
- Holiday Rescue Pack: Experience gifts (connection without clutter), last-minute neighbor gifts, holiday games, and more.
Which of these Fast Five ideas sound fun for your family today? Will you give Musical Dares a try? What’s a fun Christmas game for families that you enjoy? Do you have a favorite family Christmas game? Share in the comments!
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