"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
-His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Learning compassion is a life-long process with seeds from infancy. As parents, we can do a lot to help our kids choose the compassionate path.
And Raising Compassionate Children in a Conceited World is a great help. The guide shares...
Best of all? It's completely Free!
"Marielle's advice is specific, simple to implement, and garners immediate results. She is a wealth of knowledge and experience, and shares it in an inspiring way."
And I know exactly how it feels to have so many things we want to do and so little time.
You see, during one of the craziest times of my life, I was juggling four part-time jobs and leading a local volunteer group. My husband was working insane hours away from home and was honestly never there, so the meals and home were on me. Most importantly, we had four and then five young kids.
But, during this time, I found simple systems that worked. While I couldn't do it all, I felt confident that I could do what mattered most. I had time to improve as a person, enjoy my family, connect with God, and do what I felt called to do. I even wrote a book.
I want to share these systems, routines, and lessons with you, so that you can have the time and knowledge to be the kind of mom you want to be. Get started today by grabbing my free guide, Raising Compassionate Children in a Conceited World.
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