Family Summer Bucket List to Laugh, Learn, and Love
There is so much to love about summer. We don’t have to get up and out the door every morning, there’s no homework, and the kids are home all the time. Yes, I heard that. The kids are home all the time. Admittedly, sometimes filling all that time with activities other than arguing, whining, or screens can be a real challenge. Creating a Family Summer Bucket List with some of these boredom busters will help.

You love your kids. Having them home for the summer is a joy. You want to be involved in their lives and enjoy their company. However, realistically, sometimes deciding what to do can be overwhelming. It can be far easier to let them switch on the TV and occupy themselves.
Additionally, you want to provide opportunities and all the best for your children. But sometimes it’s hard to know how to make that happen. Somedays survival is all we can worry about. And before we know it, our Littles are big.
One of the best ways to make the most of your summer together is to create a family bucket list.
Request the free Super Summer Starter Kit for ideas, tips, and templates to help you create your family’s ideal summer. It includes Bucket List ideas, boredom busters, summer slide prevention, a parent-child interview, and more.
Why Create a Family Bucket List
I’m not a fan of scheduling every last minute of our kids’ lives. It’s important to let them have down time and creative time. However, sometimes when boredom, restlessness, or “we’ve all been around each other too much” hits, it’s great to have a go-to list of ideas: boredom busters so to speak. Your family bucket list can be just that.
Your list can keep kids off screens and moving, thinking, laughing, and interacting.
More importantly than just “something to do”, your family bucket list allows you to be intentional about your time. After making your list, put a star by those items that you most want to do. Decide what is important to you, and then you can make it happen. When you choose activities together that help you love, laugh, and learn, the fleeting years of childhood won’t pass you by. As a family, you will make the most of your days.
Boredom Buster Ideas for Your Bucket List
There are countless ideas for your bucket list that are meaningful, fun, and even free (or nearly so). The items on your list don’t have to be grand or even original. Sometimes the simplest or tried and true activities bring the greatest joy.
However, the hardest part is often coming up with those ideas. So, here are 25+ ideas to consider for your bucket list.
- Learn a true family story and make a picture book about it.
- Build a fort and read, play a game, or have a sleepover in it.
- Go camping in the backyard.
- Clean a park, your neighbors yard, or another community area.
- Go on a hike.
- Check out a book or look online for a list of animals native to your area. See how many you can find throughout the summer.
- Go on a road trip to visit extended family.
- Gather photos and make a scrapbook.
- Read a chapter book together. Have a movie night if there’s a film adaptation of the book.
- Go on a bike ride.
- Play a sport.
- Make a recipe book with family favorite recipes. Include memories of eating the foods. Bake one of the recipes and share it with someone else.
- Create an obstacle course. Try to beat your own time through the course.
- Fill the driveway with chalk creations.
- Play charades.
- Run through the sprinkler, play with water balloons, or do a slip’n slide.
- Make paper flowers or pick a bouquet of flowers and deliver them to someone at a nursing home.
- Have a dance party.
- Write about a family memory.
- Play a card game or board game.
- Invite the neighbors over for popsicles or a potluck.
- Put on a play of a classic or original story. Make popcorn for the audience.
- Visit a State or National Park.
- Climb a tree.
- Play pickle, croquet, or freeze tag.
- Plant something.
- Set up a home gym with different exercise stations. Turn on music and rotate through.
- Do a secret service for someone in your family.
The Best Part
The best part of this bucket list deal is sitting down with your kids, sharing all of these ideas, and then hearing what they want to do this summer. Add your local favorites like visits to a museum, beach, or pool. Plus, think about your specific kids and what they are passionate about.
We create a list for almost every break, and I’m usually surprised by something that the kids choose. I’m surprised because it’s so simple or so creative, something I wouldn’t have thought of. Oftentimes we don’t check everything off our bucket list, but the activities we do leave us laughing, learning, and loving.
And I couldn’t ask for more.
What’s going on your Family Summer Bucket List? Share in the comments.
Do you want more summer ideas?
Check out some of these helpful posts.
- 5 Ways to Set Yourself Up for a Successful Summer
- Whether you’re ecstatic or not sure how you’re going to fill your days, these 5 activities will set-up your family for a successful summer.
- Child-Motivated Summer Slide Prevention
- This is a simple Summer Slide prevention plan that is child-led and no-nag. It was just what our family needed.
- Beating the Summer Slide with Daily 7
- This summer routine provides a balance of exercise, learning, serving, and more.
- 14 Tips to Get Your Kids Reading More this Summer
- Reading is one of the very best skills we can nurture in our kids for lifelong success. Summer can be the ideal time to build those skills and develop a love of learning.
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