Friday’s Fast Five for Families Index
Here you can find links to all of the Friday’s Fast Five from Lovin’ Life with Littles, simple ideas to build stronger, happier families.
Building a stronger, happier family is at the top of most parents’ list. However, we are busy! These weekly Fast Five ideas and tips are a quick way to brainstorm, check-in, and create the family relationships you really want.
* These ideas are NOT meant to be a checklist or guilt trip of things we “should do.” Rather, they are intended to inspire you to find what works for YOUR family to learn, laugh, and love together. Remember to stick to the Simple Side of Parenting.
What is in Friday’s Fast Five?
Each Friday, we share five simple ideas for families under the following categories:
1. Something Fun
This is an activity, game, entertainment recommendation, or simple outing for family fun.
2. A Little Lesson
Here you will find a simple lesson to help teach kids important ideas. Examples include life skills or personal qualities like kindness and patience.
We have found that these important ideas can be taught in two ways. One, find spontaneous teaching moments to connect throughout the week. And two, schedule a weekly time to learn together in a more formal or organized way.
Here are some helpful links for creating time and traditions to learn together. They go further into those two ways of family teaching.
How Busy Parents Can Teach Important Life Lessons (Find Spontaneous Moment)
6 Tips for Family Time that Teaches Life’s Most Important Lessons (How to Create that Scheduled Tradition or Routine)
3. A Service Idea
Volunteering is good for our mental and physical health. Serving together strengthens relationships with those we serve and those we serve with. Service can be fun and eye-opening. Service is an important way to learn, laugh, and love together.
If you want more service ideas, the eBook Raising Compassionate Children in a Conceited World includes 101 Service Ideas for Families. You can have the eBook sent to your inbox here:
Raising Compassionate Children in a Conceited World
4. Something Random
This is a random thought, idea, quote, or meme, typically to help you smile. 🙂
5. A Quick Tip
Here you will find a quick parenting or family tip for peaceful parenting or building a stronger, happier family. These come from research, personal experience, or those common sense reminders we all need to hear once in a while.

Links to Friday’s Fast Five from Past Weeks
First Edition: Flour Tower Game+
Second Edition: Hands-on Object Lesson about Priorities+
Third Edition: Back-to-school Gift Tags and Notes for Teachers+
Fourth Edition: How to Play Spoons with Fun Variations+
Fifth Edition: One Creative Way to Share Family Stories+
Sixth Edition: Super Fun Bob Ross Painting with Kids+
Seventh Edition: Spontaneous Lesson about Optimism, SPUD+
Eighth Edition: Family Dance Parties+
Ninth Edition: How to Host a Grandparents’ Night+
Tenth Edition: How to Play Ghost in the Graveyard, Giveaway+
Eleventh Edition: A Simple Way to Support Rett Syndrome Families+
Twelfth Edition: Family Movie Night and Popcorn Bar+
Thirteenth Edition: How to Play Codenames+
Fourteenth Edition: Fun Autumn Scavenger Hunt+
Fifteenth Edition: 5 Fun Games to Play with Long Distance Family + Thanksgiving themed Fast Five
Sixteenth Edition: Hands-on Lesson about Giving for Kids+
Seventeenth Edition: A Lesson about Not Judging Others for Kids+
Eighteenth Edition: 10 Simple Indoor Camping Ideas+
Nineteenth Edition: How to Play Sardines+
Twentieth Edition: How to Teach Kids to Be a Good Loser+
Twenty-First Edition: Family Karaoke Night Ideas+
Twenty-Second Edition: Fun Ideas for What to Do With Mismatch Socks+
Twenty-Third Edition: How to Make Mom Friends+
Twenty-Fourth Edition: How to Play Reverse Sorry+
Twenty-Fifth Edition: 5+ Valentine’s Day Ideas for Families+
Twenty-Sixth Edition: How to Play Conversation Jenga+
Twenty-Seventh Edition: Incredible Opportunity for Parents of Teens+
Twenty-Eighth Edition: 14+ Spring Break at Home Ideas+
Twenty-Ninth Edition: How to Make a Family Tree with Kids+
Thirtieth Edition: 15 Obstacle Course Ideas for Kids+
Thirty-First Edition: How to Play Kick the Can+
Thirty-Second Edition: Glow in the Dark Dance Party+
Thirty-Third Edition: 5 Unique Things to Do on Mother’s Day+
Thirty-Fourth Edition: 5 Oxytocin Activities for Families+
Thirty-Fifth Edition: Musical Dares and Christmas Theme+
Thirty-Sixth Edition: March Madness Family Tradition+
Thirty-Seventh Edition: How to Make Simple Cartoon Animations for Kids+
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