
The Not So Terrible Twos

They’ve been called the Terrible Twos for way too long. Parenting a toddler may have its challenges, but it should also have its laughs.

The Terrible Twos may bring tears and tantrums, but you can create joy and laughter. Click through to learn how to enjoy this stage of life too. #toddler #motherhood #terribletwos #parenting #joy #stagesoflife #laughter from www.lovinlifewithlittles.com

The Terrible Twos

(At Whatever Age that Stage Happens to Occur for Your Child)

I get it. Last week your child was an angel, and this week that angel has turned south. Suddenly there are tears, tantrums, and total disobedience. New words have crept into the vocabulary like “mine,” “myself,” and “NO!” These words are hurled at unprecedented volume. Supposedly simple feats like getting into the car seat now feel like World War III.

You’re not the only one having a hard time with this stage either. It’s frustrating for your toddler to not be able to do everything on his own when he wants to so desperately.  Your daughter is probably exhausted from trying to get her own way all day.

Gratefully, there is something that can help both of you traverse these days. That heaven sent gift is laughter, and it turns out that your toddler is uniquely equipped to increase the laughter in your home.

Two factors define this new stage. One, a quest for independence, and two, heightened emotions. While these characteristics can make some aspects of daily living difficult, they conversely increase the joy as well. Your newly independent toddler can become an instigator of funny moments, wanting to command the stage and make you laugh. Plus as hard as they cry, these toddlers can laugh even harder. And it doesn’t take much to get them giggling.

Here are twenty things you can try that made my toddler laugh recently.

  1. Put your child in a box and rhythmically slide forward and back while singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” Include the lesser known second verse: Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. If you meet a crocodile don’t forget to scream! Aaaaaagh!” Following the calm verse, the ending scream seems to come as a delightful, silly surprise every time.
  2. Chase your child around the house. “Mommy’s going to get you!” When you do catch-up, whisk into hugs, tickles, and “Got you!”
  3. Hold a towel or blanket in front of your face. Slowly reveal your face, then hide it again. Repeat, making a new facial expression each time.
  4. Play Ring Around the Rosie. Toddlers love to see parents “All fall down!”
  5. Read Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton. This was the first book that made my toddler laugh out loud. What a silly turkey!
  6. Smell your toddlers toes. Scrunch your nose, and exclaim, “Stinky feet!”
  7. Pretend to eat your toddler. It may sound barbaric, but apparently it’s hilarious.
  8. Play Peek-a-Boo. Something about that surprise creates giggles.
  9. Gargle. It’s just a funny sound.
  10. Flare your nostrils.
  11. Pop bubbles.
  12. Make a silly face.
  13. Do a crazy dance, with or without your toddler in your arms.
  14. Make a quarter disappear and then reappear in funny places such as your toddler’s armpit or hair-do.
  15. Stub your toe, make an awkward face, and hop around on one foot.
  16. Pretend to be pigs or monkeys together. Some animals are inherently funnier than others.
  17. Wink your eyes left, right, left, right, left, right. Then stick out your tongue.
  18. Tickle your toddler.
  19. Go with her flow. Watch for that little smirk that says, “I’m trying to be funny right now.” Laugh with your budding comedian. (If the method for garnishing laughs is inappropriate, redirect it specifically. “You are being funny! That’s so fun. Instead of doing this…, let’s make people laugh by doing this…”
  20. Do anything, and then laugh. Laughter really is contagious.

Navigating the World

Toddlers can find humor in the simplest things. These Littles really do want to enjoy life, and they’re good at that. Find the humor with them, and encourage it in your home. Seek for opportunities to laugh together. Not only will the fun outweigh the hard in your days, but you can also use that laughter to battle the difficulties of this stage.

Respond with a smile. Be quick to laugh. The phrase, “That’s silly,” accompanied by a hug can soothe many a frustration. While we are not trying to laugh away every other emotion, we need balance and reality in life; we can keep perspective.

Here’s the thing, our kids are learning how to navigate the world from us. If we are uptight, frustrated, and exhausted, they will only learn to be uptight, frustrated, and exhausted. However, if they see in us that it’s okay to laugh when we don’t do things right, and it’s possible to stay calm when life doesn’t go our way, then perhaps they will be more apt to laugh and stay calm themselves.

While the depth of the sentiment may be lost on your toddler, keep perspective in order to teach perspective.

Laughter and a healthy sense of humor bless all of us throughout our lives.

Toddlerhood may feel a little bipolar as these kiddos instantly swing between tantrums and belly laughs. Their emotions are truly bigger than their little bodies can hold. However, as you seek to bring out the smiles, those new hard moments will be balanced out. There is nothing better than watching your child’s eyes sparkle with joy, seeing his excitement at bringing others happiness, or holding her close in a moment of content. An incredible amount of joy will fill your parenting days. And someday, you might even look back and miss those Terrible Twos.

What has helped you and your toddler navigate the “Terrible Twos”? Share in the comments!

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Whether your toddler is going through a tough stage right now, or you just want to add a little sparkle to your day, these 20 ideas will have you giggling together. #laughter #toddlers #giggles #notsoterribletwos #parenting #motherhood #perspective from www.lovinlifewithlittles.com

The Terrible Two are tough for parents and kids. Click through for over twenty ideas to increase the laughter in your home during this stage of life. #terribletwos #toddlers #parenting #laughter from www.lovinlifewithlittles.com


Having a lot of long, hard days with your toddler? Combat the challenges with laughter. Click through for 20 ways to get the giggles going. #laugh #parenting #humor #toddler #terribletwos from www.lovinlifewithlittles.com

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  1. My 1 year old LOVES it when I chase her around the house and scoop her up.

    1. Isn’t it wonderful how those little things make their day? 🙂

  2. Everything you said…tis true